Thursday, December 13, 2012

Independent blog - Sheridan College Web Design

The second half of this semester of school has been wreaked with havoc by flu bugs. So for our 4th blog of the second half of this semester we have to write an independent blog. I figure this is a good chance to give views a fell for the Sheridan Web Design program.

Thus far we have done a wide variety of projects on many different digital mediums. As the program name describes much of it is web based. Working from creating site maps through to creating fully operational front end coded web pages.

We have also had a number of group projects where communication is key. Our first typography project was to come up with a slogan and create web banners for them. My partner Joel and I quickly learn the value of communication not just between us but with our teacher. This Communication really aloud our design to evolve throughout the project.

Typography continued to be a challenge of design and team work as we moved into creating wine labels and winery interactive pdf sites. Typography wasn't only class we were doing group work in though. In Design for Interactive Media we were analyzing real sites and redesigning the framework. From the site maps and wireframes we created with our group members we then renamed the company and redesigned the site.

So far the program as given us an opportunity to learn the ins and outs of web design while further challenging us on our designs. There has been lost sleep over projects and technical issues over come and this is only the beginning. Next semester the true challenge arises of completing an in-depth independent project that will be display to many in the design community in the GTA area.

With all that said hopefully next semester and year bring better health for all and we can meet many more interesting people.

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