Thursday, December 13, 2012

Maclaren McCann - John Alabaszowski

Our guest speaker was John Alabaszowski. He kept his "speech" short because John is one of our advisors for our independent project next semester. John is V.P. Group Creative Director at Maclaren McCann and has been there for 7 years.

As a graduate from Ryerson University. Before working at Maclaren McCann he worked in some small shops, medium shops, and freelances.

Maclaren McCan is the largest ad agency in Canada and is considered an integrated agency. They did the website, which is the larges car site in Canada. Since then they have revamped the site every year when new car models come out. The web view, mobile view and dealer view all have the same content they just cut stuff in and out.

John also quickly covered the process of trying to find work after school.


  • Keep it in multiple formats
  • Keep it up to date
  • Flexible
  • Keep it with you on usb or w/e
  • Bring something with you to the interview (hard copy of portfolio or digital display)
  • keep it organized
  • think of it as a presentation
  • point out what you did on projects
  • ask for feedback
John left us with a little point that once you have the job, as a junior designer you are helping other people so ask for more.

With that we spent sometime asking questions and discussing design before meeting with John, Sibulle, Anne Marie and Sheila about our independent projects. 

Work Sample:

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