Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Studio Vitamin C - Genco and Jon Cebecioglu


Genco and Jon Cebecioglu are brothers who after graduating from college and working in the design industry decided to start there own company. They started Studio Vitamin C about 3 years ago. Studio Vitamin C is a digital experience company.

Currently their biggest clients are start up companies and other design agencies. Recently Studio Vitamin C did contract work on E One's new site for Ecentricarts.

After giving us a short overview of Studio Vitamin C Jon took us through their working process. Starting with a proposal helps explain how things will happen since most people aren't as savvy when if comes to web. This covers things like browser support and tools that will be used. Wireframes and sample layouts also happen during the proposal stage. They include a timeline even thought it never really works out that way.

Once you finish a project you would say they are resposible for the site but clients will often ask about problems they are having. They will also ask for templates for adding content. Clients also often add and change things during the process.

With smaller companies you have to give more then what you get paid for so you can grow to the larger clients.

They then moved into what we will do when we are done school.

School's Done!

Now What?
Big Agency
Boutique Studio

Big Agency

Jobs: Front-end dev, UI Designer, Interaction Designer, Overall UX Designer, Flash Guru, Art Director, Creative Director.
Larger agencies have more job security when you move up, Big Brands, Room for Advancement, Big bucks when you advance, Global Opportunities. With the good comes the bad though until you get your foot in the door and start moving up there is little to no recognition or creative freedom.

Boutique Studio

Jobs: Basically they have same positions though sometimes they are all in one
Boutique Studios have less job security, less known brands, less room for advancement, pay scale is variable.

They also offer more recognition and creative freedom, more responsibility from get go, opportunity to be part of the company and shape its footprint (even become a partner if you are able to get in at the ground floor).


Project Manager, Social Media & Publishing Content Manager, Online Marketing Manager, Account Manager.
These roles are more leadership/ client interaction/ less abstraction. They are less creative and more business & marketing related, problem solving, strategy and organizational tasks.

There is always the option of Entrepreneurship

Freelance, Design Studio, Technology Startup.
Right now there are lots of opportunities for new technology startups.

Work Samples:

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