Saturday, October 20, 2012

Victor Ramirez and Dwayne Grench - Momentum


Momentum is hybrid digital media shop. They do network, hosting, as well as web and creative design. Awarded one of Canada's 50 Best Managed Companies

Who is Victor?
Victor is a designer at Momentum advanced solutions. He as worked at Momentum Advanced Solutions, Henderson Bas, Maritz Canada Inc., Montana Steele Adgertising.

A few highlights form his career:
·       Built on-line learning system for RIM
·       Built the Cadillac SRX website for MacLaren
·       Built a brand for 1 bloor that raised prices by 300%
·       Built on-line dating and social media site before the flood
·       Helped re-build chrysler from the crash.
A few quirky facts:
·       backpacked Ecuador
·       Speaks Spanish people call him taco though he is not Mexican
·       Loves crossfit
·       Likes to dance
Who is Dwayne?
Dwayne has been a designer at Momentum Advanced Solutions for 2 years and is the lead creative for the Chrysler account. Dwayne is also a graduate of Sheridan College.

A few facts:
·       DAOR for Chrysler Canada
·       Owner of
·       Went to Aitas School of Japanese in 2009
·       Graduated from Seneca College for graphic design in 2004
·       Graduated from Sheridan College for web design in 2008
·       Went to Sheridan back in high school for classic animation. He wanted to be a Disney animator. He was they Youngest student but got tired of it.

Places he worked:
·       Momentum Advanced Solutions
·       Sirius satellite radio
·       Young & Rubicon (flash designer on Ford brand Ford Flex)
·       Organic Inc. (Chrysler USA flash designer)
Quirky Facts
·       Lived in Australia & Japan
·       Speaks Japanese
·       Coldwater Surfer
·       Frequent mud racer: Spartan Race, Mud Hero, Met Con Blue, ect.
·       Tattoo clad
What they do:
·       DAOR for Chrysler/Jeep/Dodge/RAM/Fiat
·       Online support for Mercede-Benz, Forresters...
·       Online loyalty support for AMEX
A few tips on what to expect going into this industry:
·       It won't be easy
·       Lack of sleep
·       Ultra competitive market
·       Small industry
·       Crazy office politics
·       Toronto has heaps of agency choices
·       Heaps of industry parties - good way to network
·       Specify what you're applying for
·       "We are in demand"
·       Enjoy where your work
·       Remember and make personal relations
What are your options"
·       Small design house vs international agency
·       Contract work vs permanent work
·       designer vs project manager vs account manager
·       Add 30% for project management when doing freelance (look up contracts online to make sure your getting paid)
·       Canada vs abroad
A few life lessons from Victor and Dwayne
·       Burning bridges in this industry is employment suicide
·       Networking events are your easiest way into an interview
·       You are never too old to sop learning
· is the bible
·       sometimes you'll have to sacrifice a weekend or six
·       red bull doesn't give you wings, but sure does make you the savior of the "last minute all-nighter" request
·       pay it forward
·       if you're not enjoying the what and where, then it's time for a change
·       social media
A few Momentum work samples:

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