Monday, November 5, 2012

Jason Bouwman - Compass Creative

Jason Bouwman is an alumni of the Sheridan Technical Illustration program. Before coming to Sheridan Jason took Industrial Design at Fanshawe College.

Jason's family emigrated from Holland. His father was a hard working man and passed a traditional "work for what you want" mentality on to Jason. While at Sheridan, Jason worked on some personal self-promotion projects to get his name out there.

After graduating Jason got a job at Howard. When applying for the position Jason was asked if he knew Quark Express. Though Jason had no experience with the software he told the owner he know it, Figuring with his sharp mind he could quickly learn. After quitting Howard Jason started focusing on his freelance work.

Working out of his basement Jason had much bigger ideas then just being a freelance designer. With house payments and a family to provide for Jason decided he needed to take the next step. He told his wife the next few years would be tough with many long nights. Thus Jason started Compass Creative.

Jason has a very humble and modest view on life. Though he has worked hard to build his company and build contacts, he views each opportunity and step in his life as a gift. It is also important to find that balance between work and family.

Jason read a book called "First Things First" By Steve Coney. It was about time management and focusing on what is important to you. The message he took away from it was, "Discover and know what is important to you. Dedicate time to what is important. Identify what is important. Live your life as a compass with direction not by the ticking of a clock." This is his philosophy on life and the meaning behind the name of his company.

Businesses don't want websites. Businesses want sales,  donations and results. A website is a means to an end. a website is a way for businesses to sell something. But remeber customers don't owe the business. To succeed in this industry you need 4 key assets passion, skill, market, and integrity. Only with all of these will you have true success.

A few Compass Creative work samples:

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